As long as the Man-at-Arms stands, he will never allow the line to break. At camp, the Man-at-Arms can take time to instruct and practice with others, giving efficient information and life saving instruction. With his vociferous shouting he can issue vital commands to his men or let out a terrible bellow to strike fear into the enemy's heart. The battlefield is a chaotic place, and the Man-at-Arms knows how to make himself heard. His ability to read the enemy's movements allows him to draw fire to himself to defend his allies and then retaliate with surprising force. However it is not offense, but his defense, that makes the Man-at-Arms such a vital member of any team.

While he can no longer swing his great mace with the force he once could, you should not stand where he swings his mighty weapon. An old, battle-scarred veteran, the Man-at-Arms has seen enough war and bloodshed to last more than a dozen lifetimes.